Virtual Panel Discussion: 14 September 2021, 09:00-10:30 EDT | 16:00-17:30 Geneva
With the sudden return to power of the Taliban following the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, a new and growing group of Afghans are fleeing Afghanistan or becoming displaced within the country. [click to read more]
In addition to the very real threats to gains in democracy, freedom of expression and women’s rights, political and military upheaval leading to forced displacement outside of the country will impact countries in the region, many of which are hosting many refugees and migrants already in their countries. At the same time some countries have indicated that they cannot or will not accept more refugees from Afghanistan.
Join this discussion with Afghanistan civil society and regional experts about the evolving situation and how countries in the region and the international community can respond to a growing humanitarian crisis.
This World Refugee & Migration Council event, co-hosted with the US Institute of Peace and the University of Ottawa’s Centre for International Policy Studies, will discuss questions including:
- What is the situation in Afghanistan? Should the international community be concerned about a major new outflow of refugees and increased numbers of internationally displaced persons?
- If forced to leave the country, where will Afghans go? What regular migration pathways or other options may be available?
- What is the responsibility of the international community? What solutions can be brought to the table?
- Related Event: Pathways for Protection: Promoting Sponsorship Initiatives for Refugees


Belquis Ahmadi

Eileen McCarthy

This event is held in collaboration with the following organizations and through a partnership with Cuso International.

Photo: Internally displaced Afghan woman (IOM)
*Sima Samar’s comments are not included in the publicly available video above.