When welcome wears thin: bolstering support for countries hosting Syrian refugees

By Elizabeth Ferris and Diana Rayes Well over half of Syria’s 17 million population are now displaced: 7 million inside Syria and another 6.7 million as refugees, mostly in neighboring Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. For over a decade, these three countries have hosted Syrian refugees with no end in sight.  Prospects for voluntary return to […]

Emerging Market Finance Refugee Crisis Application: Rationale and Roadmap

Special Report by Gary N. Kleiman In 2019 the World Refugee & Migration Council issued “A Call to Action” recognizing the need for private sector innovation to meet the fiscal challenges posed by the global refugee crisis. The majority of countries hosting refugees are emerging markets where global banks and fund managers actively invest. Traditional […]

A Vulnerability-based Approach to Counter Vaccine Nationalism

Remarks from Honorary Chair HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal at the World Refugee & Migration Council’s March 2021 panel discussion Vaccine Equity for the Forcibly Displaced. Ladies and gentlemen,  It is, as you are well aware, high time that the world moves from the chthonian underworld of vaccine nationalism, as politically crafted and implemented […]