The World Refugee & Migration Council is appalled by Russian barbarism in violation of international humanitarian law and human rights in Ukraine, which is causing the worst refugee crisis in modern European history. Russia has shown a total disregard for Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence, and its leadership must be held accountable for the crime of aggression.
Allan Rock on migration and the lethal combination of climate change and violent conflict
Allan Rock discusses the changing nature of contemporary migration and refugee flows resulting from the lethal combination of climate change and violent conflict.
Solidarity with Afghan Women: A Policy Perspective
Join the Canadian Women’s Foundation and the World Refugee & Migration Council for this event, Solidarity with Afghan Women: A Policy Perspective
WRMC Chair Lloyd Axworthy IN CONVERSATION WITH Peace Magazine
Peace Magazine‘s Metta Spencer spoke with Lloyd Axworthy about his role as chair of the World Refugee & Migration Council. The following is an excerpt. METTA SPENCER: Did I read that there are 80 million people who’ve had to flee? LLOYD AXWORTHY: Actually, the latest numbers are 82 million. That’s the UN count, not including […]
Nuevo grupo de trabajo de alto nivel: una respuesta regional es crucial para atender la migración en América del Norte y Centroamérica
Un nuevo grupo de trabajo de alto nivel lanzado hoy reúne a la sociedad civil, a líderes empresariales, a investigadores académicos y a antiguos responsables políticos para impulsar respuestas colectivas y regionales a los problemas de seguridad económica y de gobernanza a largo plazo que impulsan a los migrantes y a los solicitantes de asilo a abandonar sus hogares.