Prince El Hassan

Reinforcing Connections: Interaction, Co-operation and Resilience

There is a seismic political fault line running from the Baltic to the Indian Ocean, writes Prince El Hassan bin Talal

The following is an excerpt from an article published by WRMC Honorary Chair Prince El Hassan bin Talal in The Friday Times.

More people are on the move than at any time since the Second World War and 80 percent of the world’s refugees are Muslim. Territoriality, Identity and Migration, T.I.M. should become priorities.

Far from being the great leveller, Covid 19 has increased inequalities whilst simultaneously intensifying retrenchment and narrow nationalisms.

The schisms are so numerous, the inequities so stark, that a universal respect for human dignity must be brought back to the consciousness of the international community. A politics of humanity is needed to restore respect for human dignity.

Poverty, exclusion and marginalisation deny the human rights of almost half the world’s population. Poverty undermines religion, subverts reason and invites hatred. It denies health, opportunity, basic freedoms, and mutual respect, whilst destroying self-respect by targeting the soul of our humanity.

These challenges can only be met collectively. Building regional resilience must be the place to start.

Read the full article.
