Prince El Hassan

Reinforcing Connections: Interaction, Co-operation and Resilience

There is a seismic political fault line running from the Baltic to the Indian Ocean, writes Prince El Hassan bin Talal The following is an excerpt from an article published by WRMC Honorary Chair Prince El Hassan bin Talal in The Friday Times. More people are on the move than at any time since the […]

The Impact of COVID-19 on Syrian refugees in Jordan

This research project asks the question: How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting Jordanian policies toward Syrian refugees and the likelihood of Syrian refugee return to Syria? Three researchers in the region are being contracted to conduct research on the impact of COVID-19 on Jordan’s economy and on the host country’s policies toward Syrian refugees.  Some of […]

Syrian Refugees in Jordan and the Region

Read the latest research from this project: What are the realistic alternatives for Syrian refugees and the governments that host them in the medium- to long-term?  How can host countries be supported to continue hosting refugees in light of growing pressures for return? Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey have hosted Syrian refugees since the very beginning of […]