Aunque en un principio no ocupaba el primer lugar en la agenda, la migración y el desplazamiento forzado en las Américas fueron una parte importante de la Cumbre de Líderes de América del Norte. Lea cómo.
Se necesitan vías legales y seguras para resolver el caos fronterizo
Esta semana, en la que Canadá, México y Estados Unidos se reúnen para la tan esperada Cumbre de Líderes de América del Norte, es un momento oportuno para emprender acciones audaces que creen vías alternativas de migración para los centroamericanos del norte.
COP26, Climate Change and Migration
World Refugee & Migration Council members followed the discussions at the 2021 Glasgow United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) closely. In particular, they were looking to see how conversations and commitments could lead to future efforts toward climate change adaption and a recognition that migration can be part of those efforts. Here’s what they said. […]
Cooperación y corresponsabilidad regionales
This report from the North and Central American Task Force on Migration outlines concrete recommendations for a comprehensive regional approach and governance architecture to address migration. The issues are simply too complex to be dealt with by any one country acting along.
Climate Migrants Can’t Wait for Global Frameworks
World Refugee & Migration Council Vice-President of Research Elizabeth Ferris wrote about the relationship between climate change and human mobility in the Wilson Quarterly. Read the full article here. “In today’s world where anti-immigrant sentiment is alive and well, where multilateral institutions are weak, where (at least in the U.S.), some reject the evidence that […]