Esta semana, en la que Canadá, México y Estados Unidos se reúnen para la tan esperada Cumbre de Líderes de América del Norte, es un momento oportuno para emprender acciones audaces que creen vías alternativas de migración para los centroamericanos del norte.
COP26, Climate Change and Migration
World Refugee & Migration Council members followed the discussions at the 2021 Glasgow United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) closely. In particular, they were looking to see how conversations and commitments could lead to future efforts toward climate change adaption and a recognition that migration can be part of those efforts. Here’s what they said. […]
Memo to the new cabinet: Canada must meet the moment in Afghanistan
Imagine that you are a female judge in Afghanistan at this very moment: having gone from being in the epicenter of justice just a few months ago to a basement hideaway trying not to breathe too loudly. You are now hunted by the Taliban, by the murderers you convicted (and whom the Taliban released) as […]
Appel urgent à l’action en réponse à la crise afghane
Lettre ouverte au premier ministre du Canada, au ministre de l’Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté, et à la ministre des Affaires étrangères
Urgent Call to Action in Response to the Crisis in Afghanistan
An Open Letter to the Prime Minister’s office, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs