Russian Antonov An124 Volga-Dnepr 4 engine heavy lift cargo jet

Canada faces $100-million forfeiture ‘test case’ as Russian airline sues over grounded plane: The Hill Times

As Neil Moss reports in an article published in The Hill Times, Canada took up proposals led by the World Refugee & Migration Council to repurpose assets seized from sanctioned individuals and entities as part of the 2022 federal budget. The federal government is now being sued by Volga-Dnepr, the firm that owns the Antonov An-123 aircraft sitting at Pearson Airport since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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“It is time for an honest appraisal and an urgent call to action for governments and stakeholders to stretch out, to make the refugee response system fair, effective and efficient for refugees and governments alike. We must protect those fleeing danger, supply host country needs, alleviate citizens’ fears, hold those leaders generating displacement accountable and re-establish international cooperation.”

Read A Call to Action: Transforming the Global Refugee System

World Refugee & Migration Council partner Global Independent Refugee Women Leaders (GIRWL) is a group of refugee women-led initiatives, networks, and advocates that works with and for refugee women to:

  1. Increase refugee women participation in shaping policies;
  2. Build refugee women’s capacity to engage locally, nationally, regionally and globally; and
  3. Strategically advocate for and promote inclusive human rights approaches to forced displacement.

Haven ( is a platform which connects refugees who need help resettling in Canada with Canadians who can help. Refugees fleeing war in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, and other conflicts use Haven to match with Canadians that can help them find safe housing, secure meaningful employment, rebuild their support network, and everything else that they’ll need to restart their lives in Canada. By using technology to create a massively scalable platform, Haven wants to engage enough Canadians nationally to help the hundreds of thousands of refugees coming to Canada.

Lamp Lifeboat Ladder is a public-private partnership that supports refugee victims of torture and sexual violence one by one as they rebuild their lives. The Canadian government has formally approved this partnership, thus authorizing Lamp Lifeboat Ladder to refer up to 90 victims of torture and sexual violence for resettlement to Canada, along with their family members (roughly 500 refugees).