Placing Refugee Return and Reintegration at the Heart of International Development Policy

Panel Discussion Explores Refugee Return and Reintegration

On 7 December, the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (CHS) hosted a webinar in collaboration with the World Refugee & Migration Council. The webinar entitled ‘Placing Refugee Return and Reintegration at the Heart of International Development Policy’ comes in recognition of the challenge associated with ensuring durable solutions to forced displacement that is currently affecting […]

Partnership with Lamp Lifeboat Ladder to Resettle Refugee Survivors of Sexual Violence, Torture

Through a new partnership with global law firm Reed Smith, the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture and other international organizations, the World Refugee & Migration Council will support resettling refugees in Canada who have suffered torture and/or sexual violence.  The partnership announced that it received a C$500,000 grant from the Boston-based Shapiro Foundation and […]