Erika Pires Ramos

Erika Pires Ramos is a Brazilian Federal Attorney and Researcher.  She holds a PhD in International Law from the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. She is co-founder of the South American Network for Environmental Migrations – RESAMA (founded in 2010). Currently she is involved with the Latin American Observatory on Human Mobility, Climate Change and Disasters (MOVE-LAM), an initiative developed in partnership between RESAMA and University for Peace – UPEACE – in Costa Rica. She also collaborates with research groups in Brazil:  Research and Studies Centre on Environmentally Displaced Persons (NEPDA-UEPB), Human Rights and Vulnerabilities (Catholic University of Santos), the Observatory of Community Protocols of Consultation and Prior Free and Informed Consent and, Law, Development and Decolonization (Sao Judas Tadeu University).