Placing Refugee Return and Reintegration at the Heart of International Development Policy

Panel Discussion Explores Refugee Return and Reintegration

On 7 December, the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (CHS) hosted a webinar in collaboration with the World Refugee & Migration Council. The webinar entitled ‘Placing Refugee Return and Reintegration at the Heart of International Development Policy’ comes in recognition of the challenge associated with ensuring durable solutions to forced displacement that is currently affecting 80 million refugees worldwide.

HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, Honorary Chair of  World Refugee & Migration Council, delivered a keynote Address. A panel discussion, moderated by Professor Sultan Barakat, Director of CHS, included Ambassador Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Mereikhi, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General; Ms. Alexandra Bilak, Director of Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC); Mr. Giles Merrit, Founder and Secretary General of Friends of Europe; and Abdallah Al Dardari, United Nations Development Program’s Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The event focused on forced displacement and the challenges and dilemmas associated with return and reintegration, including effective strategies for promoting this issue in global policy frameworks targeted at reconstruction and development and explore how best to mobilise new sources of support for host and origin states involved in the return and reintegration process for refugees.

What the entire discussion here:
