New Council Members

The World Refugee & Migration Council has welcomed four new Council Members: Jayne Fleming, James Hathaway, Victor Lal and Warda Shazadi Meighan.

Podcast: Lloyd Axworthy On Supporting Refugees

WRMC Chair Lloyd Axworthy joined the Conference Board of Canada to discuss the global refugee system, how Canada’s generally positive political and social approach has helped our country take the lead in creating new and innovative ways to support refugees.

The evacuation of Afghan refugees is over. Now what?

This article was originally published by The Brookings Institution The dramatic scenes from Kabul Airport of desperate Afghans seeking to escape reverberated around the world. The U.S., other governments, and a hodge-podge assortment of private groups succeeded in evacuating more than 120,000 people in the space of a couple of weeks. This was an impressive […]

SGBV survivors learn how to play the batucada to heal their wounds

Resettling Refugee Survivors of Torture and Sexual Violence

As 2020 draws to a close we reflect on the devastating impact COVID-19 has had on people around the world, particularly on refugees and survivors of torture and sexual violence. It has also shown us their enormous strength and resilience. Throughout the pandemic, our initiative Lamp Lifeboat Ladder has continued to accompany refugee survivors of […]