On International Women’s Day, WRMC, Reed Smith LLP and the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture announce a new initiative with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to resettle up to 100 refugee women survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) from Mexico to Canada.
UNHCR’s Filippo Grandi on Gaza: Humanitarian Ceasefire Needed to ‘Stop this Spiral of Death’
UN High Commissoner for Refugees Filippo Grandi called on the UN Security Council to demand a humanitarian ceasefire coupled with humanitarian aid inside Gaza.
Providing a Humanitarian Lifeline Critical to Saving Lives in Gaza
This statement by the World Refugee & Migration Council’s Chair outlines specific concerns for the civilian populations of both Israel and Gaza, and their protection from the continuing violence and their displacement from their homes.
A major US asylum restriction is ending. So why is the humanitarian crisis in northern Mexico getting worse?
The New Humanitarian’s Eric Reidy writes that instead of bringing relief, the end of Title 42 looks poised to add confusion and pressure to an already difficult humanitarian situation.
Le Conseil mondial pour les réfugiés et la migration demande aux Casques bleus de l'ONU de protéger les couloirs humanitaires en Ukraine
The World Refugee & Migration Council is appalled by Russian barbarism in violation of international humanitarian law and human rights in Ukraine, which is causing the worst refugee crisis in modern European history. Russia has shown a total disregard for Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence, and its leadership must be held accountable for the crime of aggression.