Jayne Fleming

Council Member Jayne Fleming named a top lawyer for pro bono refugee protection work

As announced by Reed Smith LLP, WRMC Council Member and head of Reed Smith’s international refugee protection programs Jayne Fleming was named to Forbes’ first annual list of America’s Top 200 Lawyers for 2024.

In its announcement, Forbes said: “Fleming has served as full-time pro bono counsel at Reed Smith for the past 15 years, leading the firm’s more than 100-attorney international Human Rights Team. Fleming has represented torture survivors, asylum seekers and traumatized children. She has developed human rights projects in Haiti, Latin America and the Middle East. Many of her cases have helped move the law forward in the area of gender-based violence.”

Jayne leads WRMC’s partnership with Lamp Lifeboat Ladder as well as our recently announced joint initiative to protect refugee women survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in Mexico.
