Canadian Ukrainian Social Impact Reconstruction Trust Fund

Alison Lawton & Lauren Casey Discussion paper produced as part of the World Refugee & Migration Council’s Canadian Task Force Against Global Corruption. Abstract According to international law, Russia must provide full reparations and compensation to Ukraine for the harm inflicted during an undeclared war. In response, Canada has enacted legislation allowing for the seizure […]

Corporate Citizenship & Refugee Inclusion: Harnessing Global Private Regulation and Corporate Social Responsibility

Lawrence L. Herman A Call to Action: Transforming the Global Refugee System, the comprehensive report issued by the World Refugee & Migration Council (WRMC) in early 2019, contains recommendations for urgent and concerted governmental measures to address the global refugee crisis. The report includes the establishment of a global business coalition as a way of […]

Harnessing Trade Law to Support Refugees and Host Countries — Discussion Paper No. 3

Lawrence L. Herman The World Trade Organization estimates that more than 65 million people globally are refugees or displaced persons. Beyond the human dimensions of this tragedy, destination and transit countries face enormous financial and social costs in sheltering these people. The global community’s response has mostly been short-term aid, insufficient to support durable solutions. […]

Keeping the Promise: Three Proposed Accountability Mechanisms for the Global Refugee Regime — Discussion Paper No. 1

Accountability is lacking at every point in the refugee cycle — from upstream, where refugee flows are triggered violently and with impunity by criminal regimes and non-state actors, to downstream, where governments shirk their treaty commitments and moral obligations for political gain. In many ways, the modern refugee regime represents a classic case of strong […]