Refugee children attend class in Azez, Syria

On International Day of Education – don’t forget about refugees!

Education is important to all children, but for refugee children schools provide not only learning opportunities but also safe spaces and a semblance of normalcy in young lives turned upside down by conflict and displacement. Education can serve to build community and contribute to peacebuilding, which I look forward to exploring in our Refugees, Education and […]

SGBV survivors learn how to play the batucada to heal their wounds

Resettling Refugee Survivors of Torture and Sexual Violence

As 2020 draws to a close we reflect on the devastating impact COVID-19 has had on people around the world, particularly on refugees and survivors of torture and sexual violence. It has also shown us their enormous strength and resilience. Throughout the pandemic, our initiative Lamp Lifeboat Ladder has continued to accompany refugee survivors of […]