Research Paper — Pamela Ruiz North and Central American Task Force on Migration
Migrant Remittances to Central America and Options for Development
Research Paper — Manuel Orozco North and Central American Task Force on Migration Introduction Remittances are the most visible economic activity among migrants that makes a strong contribution to the development of their home countries. These person-to-person private financial flows, directed to families back home, bring many benefits. Largely because of an obsolete model of […]
Reducir la migración irregular desde Centroamérica con vías alternativas de migración regular
The short answer to the question of why so many Central Americans are setting off on dangerous irregular migration journeys is stunningly simple: because there is virtually no way that they can move through regular, legal, safe channels.
Se necesitan vías legales y seguras para resolver el caos fronterizo
Esta semana, en la que Canadá, México y Estados Unidos se reúnen para la tan esperada Cumbre de Líderes de América del Norte, es un momento oportuno para emprender acciones audaces que creen vías alternativas de migración para los centroamericanos del norte.
Cooperación y corresponsabilidad regionales
This report from the North and Central American Task Force on Migration outlines concrete recommendations for a comprehensive regional approach and governance architecture to address migration. The issues are simply too complex to be dealt with by any one country acting along.