Colombian border

Innovative investment fund in Colombia will benefit forcibly displaced

This news release is also available in Spanish. Unique financing project launched as direct result of World Refugee & Migration Council’s Call to Action and support for concept development Low-income housing units will be available for internally displaced Colombians and Venezuelan refugees and migrants Joint venture formed by Crowe Global and Andean Capital Partners, LLC […]

Innovador fondo de inversión en Colombia beneficiará a desplazados

Proyecto de financiamiento único en su clase concebido y lanzado como resultado directo de recomendaciones del Consejo Mundial para los Refugiados y la Migración Colombianos de escasos recursos, internamente desplazados, al igual que refugiados y migrantes venezolanos, podrán disponer de unidades de vivienda de interés social Empresa conjunta constituida por Crowe Global y Andean Capital […]

Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Refugees and COVID-19

His Excellency António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017 Dear Secretary-General, As members of the World Refugee Council we urge you to intensify your crucial efforts to address the perilous state of the world’s refugees and displaced persons during the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic. As Secretary-General […]