Proposed European Commission Pact on Migration and Asylum

Joint Statement: The European Commission Pact on Migration and Asylum

The World Refugee & Migration Council signed onto this joint statement organized by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles. As negotiations continue among European Union member states, the European Commission has also prepared a Questions and Answers document about the proposed pact. The commitment to a more human approach to protection and the emphasis […]

Holding Kleptocrats to Account

Magnitsky Counterpoint: The Case Against Individual Asset Claims

In their thoughtful Policy Magazine essay titled The Case for a New and Improved MagnitskyLaw, Irwin Cotler and Brandon Silver suggest ways to strengthen the Justice for Corrupt Foreign Officials Act. Some of the steps that Cotler and Silver propose are welcome, including a Canada-led effort to achieve greater international coordination of Magnitsky sanctions. We believe, however, that one of […]

Corporate Social Responsibility for Refugee and Migrant Workers

There are some good examples of successful efforts to institutionalize new corporate CSR “codes of conducts” standards, which this initiative aims to build upon. For example, the guiding principles of the UN Social Compact that were developed by Harvard Professor John Ruggie who also served as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Human Rights and […]