Syrian refugees living in an abandoned factory near Saida, Lebanon

Moving From Seeing Refugees as a Burden to Human Capital

Remarks from Honorary Chair HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal at the World Refugee & Migration Council’s September 2021 panel discussion Thinking Long-term about Syrian Refugees The launch of these reports comes at a time when donor fatigue levels have never been higher, your recommendations offer actionable solutions for host states to execute with relative ease, so one […]

Research Launch: Thinking Long-term about Syrian Refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey

Virtual Panel Discussion: Thursday, September 9, 10:00 Eastern | 17:00 Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey have now hosted over 5 million Syrian refugees for a decade – with few solutions in sight. New research from the World Refugee & Migration Council (WRMC), with support from the International Development Research Centre and Cuso International, looks […]

Moving beyond Humanitarian Assistance: Supporting Jordan as a Refugee-hosting Country

This study, conducted by three economists in the region — Belal Fallah, Rasha Istaiteyeh and Yusuf Mansur — analyzes the impact of Syrian refugees on Jordan’s economy and suggests ways that the international community can receive more international support. The issue of global responsibility-sharing for refugees was a major theme of the World Refugee Council’s (WRC) A Call to Action report in 2019.