Peter German

Dr. Peter German, QC, is President of the International Center for Criminal Law Reform. A lawyer and member of the Ontario and British Columbia bars, he served as the RCMP’s Director General Financial Crime and Deputy Commissioner (West), and later Deputy Commissioner (Pacific) for Correctional Service Canada. He has various degrees including a Doctorate in Law from the University of London, focused on asset recovery.

In addition to investigating and managing high profile money laundering and corruption cases, Dr. German has taught at universities and colleges, and is the author of a legal text on proceeds of crime, published in 1998 and updated bi-monthly. He is also the author of Dirty Money reports prepared for the Attorney General of B.C., relating to allegations of money laundering in B.C.’s casino, real estate, and other sectors.

Dr. German practices law and is a consultant on criminal justice matters. He has lectured across Canada and abroad, as well as being a delegate to international forums. In 2008, he was the initial Canadian team commander, charged with recovering two kidnapped diplomats in Africa. He has numerous awards including those of Queen’s Counsel and Officer of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces.