Corporate Citizenship and Refugee Inclusion

Corporate Citizenship & Refugee Inclusion

The World Refugee & Migration Council (WRMC) and Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC) share a common interest in advancing the goal of a more supportive national response for refugees and migrant workers. And we believe the Canadian business sector can both be transformative in and benefit from this effort. For this reason, the WRMC and […]

Corporate Social Responsibility for Refugee and Migrant Workers

There are some good examples of successful efforts to institutionalize new corporate CSR “codes of conducts” standards, which this initiative aims to build upon. For example, the guiding principles of the UN Social Compact that were developed by Harvard Professor John Ruggie who also served as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Human Rights and […]

Financing Affordable Housing for Refugees, Internally Displaced in Colombia

Over the last several years, Colombia has received close to two million refugees from Venezuela as a result of the ongoing severe economic and political problems. This inflow of mainly poor and unskilled Venezuelans, coupled with the already significant number of internally displaced Colombians (IDPs), has become a major challenge for Colombia and is exacerbating […]