Event Report: Challenges Facing Syrian Refugees and Jordan

Discussion: Pressures from a pandemic The panel discussion was moderated by Elizabeth Ferris, WRMC Vice President of Research, with introductory and closing remarks provided by WRMC Honorary Chair, HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan. The discussants were report authors: Omar Asfour, a medical doctor and a public health researcher and practitioner, Oroub El-Abed, […]

Placing Refugee Return and Reintegration at the Heart of International Development Policy

Placing Refugee Return and Reintegration at the Heart of International Development Policy

​On 7 December 2020, the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (CHS) hosted a 90-minute Webinar in collaboration with the World Refugee & Migration Council. The Webinar entitled ‘Placing Refugee Return and Reintegration at the Heart of International Development Policy’ comes in recognition of the challenge associated with ensuring durable solutions to forced displacement that is currently […]

The Impact of COVID-19 on Syrian refugees in Jordan

This research project asks the question: How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting Jordanian policies toward Syrian refugees and the likelihood of Syrian refugee return to Syria? Three researchers in the region are being contracted to conduct research on the impact of COVID-19 on Jordan’s economy and on the host country’s policies toward Syrian refugees.  Some of […]

Syrian Refugees in Jordan and the Region

Read the latest research from this project: What are the realistic alternatives for Syrian refugees and the governments that host them in the medium- to long-term?  How can host countries be supported to continue hosting refugees in light of growing pressures for return? Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey have hosted Syrian refugees since the very beginning of […]