“Call Me a Business Owner, Not a Refugee!” Challenges of and Perspectives on Newcomer Entrepreneurship — Research Paper No. 7

Lubna Rashid Participating in the labour market is vital to newcomers’ successful integration in the host country. Although most newcomers participate through wage earning, some start their own businesses. Refugee entrepreneurship has substantial benefits not only for these business owners but also for their host communities; however, newcomers aspiring to begin their own businesses face […]

Using the Compact Model to Support Host States and Refugee Self-reliance — Research Paper No. 6

Nazanin Ash and Cindy Huang Traditional financing mechanisms for the global refugee system do not reflect the realities on the ground. The life-saving assistance prioritized by the humanitarian sector, while critical at the onset of emergencies, falls short as crises endure. Refugees, displaced for protracted periods, need access to quality education, jobs and other services […]