Bangkok Floods

Climate Migrants Can’t Wait for Global Frameworks

World Refugee & Migration Council Vice-President of Research Elizabeth Ferris wrote about the relationship between climate change and human mobility in the Wilson Quarterly. Read the full article here. “In today’s world where anti-immigrant sentiment is alive and well, where multilateral institutions are weak, where (at least in the U.S.), some reject the evidence that […]

WRMC In the media

The World Refugee & Migration Council seeks to have an active voice in the media. Here you will find a collection of articles where the WRMC has been in the news. WRMC member Marwan Muasher, Vice President for Studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace discusses the possible impact of a Biden administration on […]

Senator, former UN envoy to table bill allowing Canada to spend assets seized from foreign dictators

Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press The following is an excerpt from an article published in The Globe & Mail. An independent Canadian senator has proposed a bill that would allow the government to take the frozen assets of dictators and their cronies to help refugees forced to flee their tyranny. Senator Ratna Omidvar tabled the […]