Beatriz Zepeda

Beatriz Zepeda (MSc in International Relations, PhD in Ethnicity and Nationalism, London School of Economics and Political Science) has taught and conducted research in international relations at Birkbeck College and the London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom), Flacso-Ecuador, Flacso-Guatemala and CentroGeo (Mexico). She has worked in the area of development cooperation, coordinating peace education projects in Central America and Rwanda for Capacity Building International (Germany). Dr Zepeda’s research interests include nationalism, borders, illegal markets, migration, diplomatic history, the relationship between public opinion and foreign policy, and international negotiation. Her most recent publications are Guatemala: Fronteras y mercados ilegales en la era de la globalización and El sistema fronterizo global en América Latina: un estado del arte, in which she participated as editor. Between 2012 and 2014 Dr Zepeda was director of Flacso-Guatemala and since 2014 she has researched the issue of security on the Mexico-Guatemala border. She is currently a professor-researcher at the Center for International Studies at El Colegio de México, where her research has focused on the Mexico-Guatemala border and Mexican migration policy from a foreign policy perspective.