Bárbara Romero

Barbara Romero

Bárbara Romero is a Salvadoran woman, she is a psychologist, a feminist, a human´s rights defender, and a lesbian activist. She has a post degree of Gender in Public Policies and a Master in Social Sciences.  She is a researcher, passionate for qualitative information to understand better the lives and personal stories of people, especially women.

As a leader she has experience creating networks, developing, monitoring and evaluating strategies and projects, developing workshops, coordinating team work, public speaking among other qualities. She has work, on a voluntary base, since 1998, in crisis response and intervention in floods, earth wakes, volcano eruptions and storms, she has coordinated international reconstruction teams and collection centers. She has also work on a voluntary base, as an International coordinator of a Youth Advisory board for Africa, Europe and Latin America (2006 -2010); develop and revise strategies for Woman Global Network for Reproductive Rights, based in Amsterdam; design advocacy and research strategies for Human Rights NGO´s in El Salvador, among others.

Bárbara has worked in Human Rights since the year 2006; her main focus has been on women, inclusion and LGBTI Rights. She has worked in NGO´s, in the private and public sector, in lobbying and advocacy, development of public policies, development of methodologies to create awareness and strategies for human right´s knowledge and empowerment. In her last job, for the previous 8 years, she worked with girls, elderly, lesbian, bisexual, trans, indigenous, migrants and functionally diverse women as a result of being the CEO of the Presidential Programme “City Women” in her home country, assuring their sexual and reproductive health and rights, access to education and overcoming from the SGBV they faced.

Due to her work and Human Rights commitment, she had to flee from her home country on October 2018, and came to Europe, where she was recognize as a refugee in 2019. Here, she has continued her work as a consultant and researcher on Women and Young Girls Rights and, on the access to justice for LGBTI persons in Latin America. She currently works with migrant and refugees to contributes with their development of networks and access to permanent work. She is one of the co-founders of GIRWL, Global International Refugee  Platform which is working for, by and with Refugee women to have a stronger voice in their own new communities, and internationally.